Topic: Pay and promotion

I think I should be paid more but don’t know how to go about asking for more money. I I know that 2 people at the same level are paid more than me and it seems really unfair. I don’t want to come across as too demanding but I don’t want to feel undervalued either, which is how I’m feeling at the moment.

Senior associate, US law firm in London

Topic: Moving on

I’d like to explore the possibility of moving on from my firm but don’t know where to begin.

Mid-level associate in Finance, UK firm

Topic: Confidence; Imposter Syndrome

I’ve just been promoted to a new role. It’s in an area that is new to me and the team below me are much more experienced than me technically. It’s causing me a lot of anxiety and I’m starting to worry about whether I can really succeed in the role. I’ve had this feeling in the past which I assume is some form of imposter syndrome. What advice would you give me if I were a coaching client?

New Director, Investment Bank

Topic: Stress; Overwork

I feel like I’m on a treadmill, never being able to get the things done that I want to. Some emergency always comes up that means that I can’t get to hardly any of the things on my to do list. Some mornings I feel like crying. I feel exhausted all the time even when I’ve had a supposedly :”good night’s sleep”.

Senior lawyer, retail sector

Topic: Confidence; Interpersonal relationship management

I’m looking for advice on how to deal with tricky situations which is criticism such as “you are too emotional” or “there’s too much drama around you” and turn that around as something positive ie turning the perception of drama and disagreement to constructive diverse discussions particularly with male colleagues.

Partner, US law firm